Content Cantate 354

Content Cantate 354

12 810 000 Ft
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Content Cantate 354 digitális orgona

  • Billentyűzet: 3×61 hangos templomi orgona billentyűzet
  • 4 teljesen különböző dispozíció: Barokk, Klasszikus, Romantikus és Szimfónikus.
  • 54 regiszter stílusonként
  • 50 Historical Temperaments
  • 4.2.2 LS-audio surround system
  • 112 Programmable orchestra voices

Cantate 354

The top model of Content organs. This organ has a very complete disposition for a wide, symphonic organ sound. Robust high furniture with illuminated draw stops. The Solo work creates an orchestral tone, including Chimes. Maximum possibilities with 3 keyboards and 4 expression pedals.

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